MRQ Network – 20 minutes of science by Sylvain Cordier (LIRIDE-UDeS and Circerb-ULaval)

23 April 2021

“Life cycle analysis of wood augmentation in the construction sector” 🌲

Sylvain Cordier will be our presenter during the famous 20 minutes of science of the Renewable Materials Quebec network! Sylvain is a PhD student at the Laboratoire interdisciplinaire de Recherche en ingénierie Durable et en Écoconception (LIRIDE – UDeS) and at the Chaire industrielle de recherche sur la construction écoresponsable en bois (CIRCERB – ULaval) under the direction of Ben Amor and the co-direction of Pierre Blanchet.

The increasing use of a new product in an existing market may imply a change in the supply of materials and in the environmental impacts. For example, in Quebec, government strategies aim to develop forest products to support the forestry industry and wood construction. The environmental assessment of policy initiatives is important to know the potential consequences. The main objective of this research is to develop a consequential life cycle analysis. The main objective of the research is to develop a consequential life cycle analysis. It is to develop a model of the environmental consequences caused by an increase in the application of wood in the construction sector.

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See you soon! 🤓
