Faculty Competition of Three Minute Thesis !

16 March 2021

Once again this year, the FFGG, in collaboration with the SSF, AFOR, CEF, CRMR and CRDIG are organizing the faculty competition “My thesis in 180 seconds”! This edition, which will be entirely virtual, will take place on March 16, from 5:30 pm.

This year, two #FFGG teachers will face off in the famous teacher’s duel, they are Alexis Achim and Francis Roy!!! 😱⚡

The three members of the jury will be Véronic Landry (SBF-CRMR), Marie-Hélène Vandersmissen (Geography) and Jacynthe Roy (Geomatic Sciences).

Event link : https://ulaval.zoom.us/j/83555530094?pwd=S2JqVHJjeUxteEFYSEZvMnU2TXQ0Zz09


Who can participate?

Master’s and doctoral students as well as postdoctoral fellows from the Faculty of Forestry, Geography and Geomatics can participate. The purpose of the presentation is to interest the public in your research project and to convince them of the importance of your work. This audience is not necessarily composed of experts in your field, so the presentation, which lasts 180 seconds (3 minutes), must be made in simple terms without being simplistic. It can be done in either French or English.

Why participate?

In addition to improving your communication and popularization skills, the doctoral student who wins first place will be selected for the institutional competition to participate in the Acfas “My thesis in 180 seconds” competition. And best of all, you could win one of three $180 prizes!

How to register?

You have until March 9 at 4:00 pm to register via the registration form: https://forms.gle/cKtC162NtcCP2kFJ7. Hurry… registration is limited!

Please note that details about the event and the rules and regulations can be found in the registration form.

If you have any questions, please contact Natacha Fontaine or Christine Bombardier-Cauffopé.
