Advanced Applications of Vibration Spectroscopy

15 mai 2019

Le 15 mai nous accueillerons Sergey Shilov, Ph.D., chercheur senior de Bruker Optics.

Advanced Applications of Vibration Spectroscopy: Analysis of polymers and reaction monitoring from ms to ns time scale

Infrared and Raman spectroscopy is the most generally applicable of all characterization tools for quantitative and qualitative analysis. Recent developments in instrumentation allow spectra to be obtained under difficult conditions of low sample transmission, low concentration, and rapid spectral change. The latest advances in FTIR applications and instrumentation will be reviewed in this presentation. The following topics will be discussed in detail:

  • Rapid-scan time-resolved spectroscopy (TRS) for monitoring of irreversible reactions
  • Step-scan TRS with the milliseconds to nanoseconds time resolution
  • Polymers identification and classification
  • Thermal properties by TG-FTIR technique
  • Defects analysis using FTIR microscopy
  • Orientation of polymer segments

Examples of applications will include polymer curing reactions, photosensitive proteins, reorientation of polymers in an electric field, polymers depth profiling.

Date : 15 mai 2019
Heure : 9h00
Durée : 1 heure
Endroit : Pavillon Gene-H. Kruger
Local 1324
